Sending some love your way

by Laurie Heller

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Dear Favorites,

We’re guessing most of you won’t even see this post because to be quite honest, we don’t feel comfortable sharing it broadly. That’s not to say that we condemn others for doing it, but for us, it’s not really our style.
We absolutely adore and appreciate you, our little coveted group of followers. You know nothing makes us happier than helping brands create love stories with consumers. But like we’ve said before, “brands” and “consumers” are still just people like you, me and us. We’re all just trying to keep our heads up. And right now, what we need more than anything is support, love, gratitude, compassion and respect.

Soooo, yeah. We don’t feel it’s appropriate to be proactively marketing The Favorite Co. right now.

And yes, of course we’re taking a financial hit and we’re doing what we can to make ends meet. The thing is, most of the companies we work with are like us, small and scrappy. Many, many incredible marketing folks we know at agencies big and small, startups on up to the Fortune 500 (not to mention our friends in the restaurant/hospitality industry ) -- have taken a hit. Trying to drum up new business from them doesn’t feel right at the moment. Likewise, we don’t have it in us right now to crowd the social stratosphere with our favorite tips for working from home or how to win in the time of Corona.

We wish we were bigger and had more resources at our disposal so we could be out there helping others in need. As far as we’re concerned, until we flatten the curve, no one is winning. If you’re anything like us, and you’re in a position to help others, here are some suggestions. Our thoughts are no matter how small the donation, there are power in numbers:




HELP THIS MAN PAY HIS COVID-19 medical bills

CENA - a Brooklyn spot where the Favorites used to work quite a bit

As for us, we’re responding to incoming TFC inquiries, continuing to update our new site, trying to find silver linings, and letting our Favorites across the world know about any jobs that might be a good fit for their backgrounds. If you happen to be one of those companies who have roles open, holler. We have an amazing network of our favorite marketers we can recommend.

In the meantime, you can bet your bottom dollar that we’re here homeschooling our children, trying to find laughs when we can, clapping for anyone and everyone on the front lines of this catastrophe (that means delivery, restaurants, pharmacy and grocery store peeps, too) and hoping that humanity prevails.

So instead of sending you some marketing tips, we’re sharing one of our Favorite songs, in the hopes of sending a little rainbow your way. Have a listen here.


Your Favorites